Here’s where I collect HTML to use in posts, pages, hooks, and headers.
Alert HTML
Warning! This is a draft, not a finalized post. See full draft disclosure.
<p style="background-color:#ffffaa" class="has-background"><strong>Warning!</strong> This is a draft, not a finalized post. See full <a href="">draft disclosure</a>.</p>
Anchor Text
See it used on the Evidence Requirements post outline.
The outline HTML for an entry adds a link to each line. The link = “” and looks like this:
<ol><li><a href="">Important Facts</a></li></ol>
The corresponding anchor text starts with the <h2> header element, then adds a link to the header with an id tag inserted at the front and the #anchor added to the back of the link. It looks like this:
1. Important Facts
<h2><a id="1-important-facts" href=""></a>1. Important Facts</h2>