As a teenager, I was the class clown who cried herself to sleep because I felt so unwanted and alone.
Even after I grew up and went to college, I had an insatiable and unfulfilled need for acceptance, significance, and love. My dream was to be a rock star in a leather mini skirt. I dreamed of thousands of adoring fans who would make me feel like I was worth something. But one day that all changed when this message finally broke through all my craziness:
“God loves you. He sent the Lord Jesus Christ, His only Son, to suffer and die for your sins; Jesus paid your sin debt IN FULL.”
I grew up in church, but until I was 20 I always thought the Christian life meant trying to fulfill an impossible list of demands. I thought God was a distant, uncaring, and harsh dictator. I thought He wanted to shame me into submission by pointing out what a miserable worthless, pathetic creature I was. What a perverted lie!
But one day I finally realized:
The reason Jesus died on the cross was that He knew I could never live up to God’s standard of perfection.
He wanted to pay the penalty for my sin and give me His holy desires.
It still seems too good to be true. But I know what happened when I finally trusted Christ alone.
Jesus Christ changed my life. My dreams of rock stardom and leather mini skirts were suddenly gone. Instead, I felt love, peace, and joy.
Over thirty years have passed since then, and Jesus has never turned away from me, though I have failed Him a million times.
Life has not always been easy, but God has always been good.
An old gospel song by Babbie Mason says, “God is too wise to be mistaken, too good to be unkind.” If you have been hurt by people, especially by those who call themselves Christians, I’m so sorry.
Please realize it’s not Jesus’ fault. He loves you more than His own life!
Jennifer Allwood is right – we’re all a bunch of knuckleheads, and we so often fail to represent the Lord in all His goodness.
Not only that, but Jesus also proved His power to save you when He died, was buried, then rose from the dead and was seen by hundreds of people.
God’s Word, the Bible, teaches that if you will TRUST (believe on) the Lord Jesus and His perfect sacrifice to save you from your sins, He will forgive all your sins, give you a new birth — a brand new life — and let you spend eternity with Him in heaven instead of you going to hell the way that Satan wants.
For more details, and verses straight from the Bible, see this Gospel Salvation Plan. Or watch this video:
Call on the Lord Jesus and trust Him and Him alone to save you from your sins right now.
He will answer. He loves you!