Morgan Reece Music

Disclaimer: Hey ya’ll, this is my personal blog. This page is mostly for my dear friends and family who sometimes ask me if I can send them my CD (but all the copies are gone). So if you’re lookin’ for the latest and greatest in contemporary Christian music, look elsewhere. But if you’d like a glimpse of a heart that longs to share Jesus, these might be a blessing to you. If not, no worries.

Here, in no particular order, are links to my music from around the web.

Songs from My First Album

(I’ll add the other songs after I’m sure there’s no copyright issues in doing so.)

He Paid An Awful Price (original song)

Leave It There (public domain)

His Easy Yoke (original song)

Who At My Door Is Standing (public domain)

Private Recordings

I recorded these for two very special friends.

Arne and Margot were absolutely the sweetest lovebirds you can imagine. Alzheimer’s had forced Arne to put his darling into a full-time care facility, but it didn’t dampen his devotion. I still remember the fateful day Dennis and I felt led to swing by the group home to see Margot for an unscheduled visit. When we arrived Arne was there as usual.

The care attendants were focused on Margot, who lay in a fetal position on her bed. Her breathing was so very different… because these were her final minutes on earth. In God’s providence, He led us to be with Arne as the angels ushered Margot into the presence of her Savior.

What a privilege to be there, to weep together, yet experience the bittersweet comfort of seeing God’s hand in bringing loving hearts alongside to share Arne’s grief.

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15

A few days later, I sang these two selections at Margot’s funeral. A friend helped me make the amateur recordings below for Arne to have (at his request).

How Great Thou Art

Old Rugged Cross Medley

Accapella Recordings

Amazing Grace, recorded for a Deaf evangelist (Fred Adams). He feels the music mostly through his feet, and was able to “feel” my voice. Go figure. (This is placeholder text; the recording is on my other laptop, waiting for me to upload here. Sorry for the delay.)

Consider Him our church’s theme chorus came from this song, written during a dark season. The lead sheet is here. (Free download, no opt-in required.)

Morgan’s Music Videos

Here are a few times I’ve been recorded singing.

January 2014:

Church on Sunday morning – 8:30 am (01/26/2014 ).

The songs include:

  • Via Dolorosa
  • He Paid An Awful Price (4:32)
  • This Is Not What Heaven’s Like (8:33)

Church on Sunday morning – 11:00 am (01/26/2014).

Same songs as 8:30 am, just different times:

  • Via Dolorosa
  • He Paid An Awful Price (4:23)
  • This Is Not What Heaven’s Like (7:55)

Church on Sunday evening (01/26/2014).

This was such a bittersweet weekend. I flew in to sing for my sweet niece at the funeral for her precious baby. It was comforting to reconnect with church friends and family after being gone so many years, but how I wished the circumstances had been different! Thank God, our heavenly reunion with loved ones won’t be that way. The songs I sang on Sunday evening after the funeral include:

  • His Life for Mine
  • Trust His Heart (3:30)
  • No More Night (7:20)
  • Jesus Led Me All the Way (12:17)

August 2018:

My dad’s funeral (08/23/2018). Song:

  • There Is A Fountain (26:00)

Sunday evening after the funeral is here.

I kept thinking I was done, and Pastor kept calling me back for more favorites. Sorry for a few awkward spots; the pianist and I had never worked together, and literally had one hour or so to prepare the day before the funeral when I flew in. (All mistakes are on MY end, not hers!) I’m not thrilled with the presentation, but the words of these songs are so good!


  • Past Your Past (The Talley’s);
  • The Value of One (3:30);
  • The Sands of Time (7:00);
  • The Via Dolorosa (10:12);
  • He Paid An Awful Price (14:40) – the song God gave me (music and lyrics) on my way to work one morning.

Scripture Songs

These aren’t me, but my former pastor leading congregational scripture songs. Just wanted to have a quick link handy. 🙂

I pray these songs will bless others as they have blessed me.