Designed for a Friend
My newest design. I got the idea for it one morning recently when I was feeling sad for a friend.
My friend is in a perfect storm of trials. As I prayed for her, I thought of the “He loves me, he loves me not” saying. It may be tempting to question God’s love in tough times, but this design reminds me why that’s the wrong response.
The Cross Proves His Love
The Lord so sweetly reminded me, no matter what’s going on here, He loved us enough to endure the cross for the JOY of offering salvation and hope. This goes way beyond my comprehension.
Think of the craziest “as-you-wish” moment from The Princess Bride. Maybe it’s when Wesley is tumbling down the hill. We laugh because it seems so absurd. Yet what Jesus did is so much more absurd… so terribly, horribly, incomprehensibly absurd.
Why Did Jesus Die?
Jesus willingly endured the cross and His Father’s wrath. Why? Because He knew somebody — maybe you, maybe me —would trust His sacrifice and be reconciled to God.
The anticipation of that moment brought Him joy so great that in the face of the cross and all it entailed, He could say to His Father, “As You wish.” (Thy will be done.)
Don’t believe me?
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Hebrews 12:1-2 (KJV)
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
He Says I’m Worth It
Jesus knew there was only one way to reconcile me to God. I could never get to Heaven on my own… Though He knew how much it would cost, He went through with it all. His actions said, “You’re worth it.”
“Me? Are you kidding? Don’t You know how much I’ve blown it? Don’t You see all those sins I struggle with, even after claiming to follow You?”
“Yes, I know. That’s what the Cross is for. To pay for all your wrongs, and conquer sin and death. One day soon you’ll be free forever from the presence of sin, and until then I’ll offer you My power over it whenever you choose to trust Me for it.”
“If only I trusted Your strength all the time. I must be such an utter disappointment, Lord. How can You still love me?”
“Easy. My love for you depends on My perfection, not your performance. I love you because I am love.”
May we never doubt the love of Jesus.