Here’s a Facebook Live I did to help young mamas learn from my mistakes! 🙂
MEDS: Four walls of a Happy Mom’s home
Make these four “walls” of your home a priority, and kick overwhelm, discouragement, and postpartum depression out the door!
I also talked about:
What to do with a super-smart three-year-old while overwhelmed with two younger siblings and all the things (links are affiliate whenever possible, which earns me a tiny commission at no cost to you):
My First 300 Babies (Best. Book. Ever!):
Child’s cleaning kit, like this one (Amazon has a zillion to choose from):
Character training, audios:
(The Boyers offer some great audios to use for naptime or quiet time.)
Not mentioned, but some of our favorite books for littles:
Winnie the Pooh audiobook, narrated by Peter Dennis — I’ve listened to this for fun WITHOUT kids! Wonderful.
Buy it here:
The Lamb, by John R. Cross (recommended by Ed Dunlop)
Buy it here: — this is a beautiful hardcover book that is geared towards children ages 3 and up. It explains the gospel simply and beautifully, and the hardback book includes an audio CD.
The Christian Mother Goose Big Book by Marjorie Decker.
Loved this book, and the wonderful recording was a favorite for a long time. Out of print but worth getting. Amazon has some used copies here: (affiliate link). is a free online version of the book.
The musical version — we had it on LP, so who knows if you can find it anywhere — is charming in its simplicity and the words are character-building, Christ-honoring, and fun.
Google “Free audio books for kids” for more ideas.