How to Survive a Very Bad Day: 13 Steps Away From Despair
Even the best Christians have bad days. Here are some practical biblical steps for facing bad days and coming away victorious.
Create a smarter healthy lifestyle starting today. You have mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. Take care of them all to create a joyful life.
Even the best Christians have bad days. Here are some practical biblical steps for facing bad days and coming away victorious.
Resources I wish every person struggling with MS would consider. Everything in them points to commonsense advice that does no harm and may even heal.
Do you want to be a happy mom? In this video Morgan Reece explains how to take care of “four walls” for your mental health and resiliency.
1-Sentence Summary: Amalgam Illness by Andy Cutler is the definitive guide to diagnosing and safely treating mercury poisoning (and heavy metal toxicity) to improve health and potentially reverse otherwise incurable chronic diseases including Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and more. Why I Love It: When the practitioner I consulted with recommended … Read more
In the 1989–1999 decade, multiple studies confirmed the beneficial effect of newborn circumcision in preventing infant UTIs19–21 and transmission of HIV.