Bitterness Buster: the Fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7)

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7)

Our Bible study class has been going through a book on bitterness and the different personalities that come from it. Yesterday‘s lesson was about the “Destroyer“ personality.

The Destroyer is the bitter person who refuses correction. In their mind, they’ve never done anything wrong. Everything is the fault of somebody else:

I stole the money because “finders keepers.”

I yelled at my kids because they provoked me.

I binged on food/drugs/alcohol/___ because my man spoke harshly.

I lied on my taxes because the government is corrupt.

I’m unhappy because nobody speaks my love language.

The Destroyer doesn’t care what the Bible says about honesty, self control, gluttony, rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, loving our enemies, or rejoicing in the Lord.

The Destroyer ignores God‘s command to be perfect and His promise to conform us to His image.

This person might be saved. But bitterness has destroyed their fear of God and made them unteachable.

I’m ashamed to think of all the times I’ve let bitterness justify living this way — defying God’s grace, grieving the Holy Spirit, and resisting correction. Thankfully, the solution is simple: restore the fear of the Lord.

Acknowledge who He is, and that He has the right to arrange my circumstances, interruptions, trials, and every other part of my life to conform me to the image of Christ. (Romans 8:29)

“In acceptance lieth peace.” — Amy Carmichael

Heavenly Father,

You alone are God. You alone can create something beautiful from our lives.

The spirit is willing but the flesh is so weak, Lord. Give us eyes to see Your purposes in all that we face today.

Let us practice Your presence, consciously depending on Your grace moment by moment. Give us wisdom to establish Christ -honoring priorities and biblical boundaries.

Make us teachable, Lord. May we cooperate with Your plan to conform us to the image of Christ.

In Jesus’ name,
